Fruity Chicken Curry

Code: 1391
Code: 1391

Fruity Chicken Curry

Chicken breast pieces mixed with apricots, pineapple and sultanas in a mild and fruity curry sauce, served with basmati rice.


Typical Values per 100g per serving
Energy Kcal 151 604
Energy KJ 631 2524
Protein 5.4 21.6
Carbohydrates 17.5 70.0
of which sugars 6.9 27.6
Fat 6.7 26.8
of which saturates 3.9 15.6
Fibre 1.0 4.0
Salt 0.62 2.48

Cooking Instructions

Microwave 700W 900W
Remove sleeve and pierce film lid. Heat for 5 mins 4 mins
Leave to stand in the microwave for 1 min, remove film lid and heat for a further 5 mins 4 mins
Pre-heat oven to 180°C Fan/360ºF, Gas Mark 6.
Remove sleeve, pierce film lid, place on baking tray.
Cook in the centre of the oven for 35-40 minutes.
Allow to rest for 1 minute.
Remove film lid and serve.
Storage Instructions
Store in a freezer at -18 to -25°C


Cooked Basmati Rice (30%) (Water, Rice), Water, Cooked Chicken (14%) (Chicken, Water, Salt), Coconut Cream (Coconut Extract, Water), Onions, Dried Apricots (3%), Pineapple (3%), Whole Milk, Fresh Pasteurised Single Cream  (MILK), Sugar, Desiccated Coconut, Rapeseed Oil, Sultanas (1%), Mango Chutney (1%) [Mango, Sugar, Cane Vinegar, Salt, Acidity Regulator (Acetic Acid), Spices (Ginger, Chilli, Garlic)], Tomato Paste, Coriander, Garlic Puree, Ginger Puree, Madras Curry Powder (Spices (Coriander, Mustard, Turmeric, Fenugreek, Fennel, Black Pepper, Ginger, Cumin, Cayenne, Celery, White Pepper), Potato Starch, Rice Flour, Salt), Salt, Thickener (E1422), Ground Turmeric

Please be aware that our recipes or suppliers may occasionally change to ensure we have the best quality ingredients and flavour for our customers. We try to minimise these changes however more than one recipe could be available at the same time for a specific meal. Therefore, please refer to the label on the meal as this will provide the ingredients and allergens used within that specific recipe. If you have any questions or concerns, then please contact your local team. 

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